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Release Your Resistance

Jul 31, 2020

If you’re wondering how to make friends online or how to make friends as an adult, especially during quarantine, I’ve got lots of tips and suggestions to share with you. 

Making friends in your 30s (or older) is so much different than making friends when we were younger, and even if you have a great group of...

Jul 24, 2020

Are you ready to learn about journaling?

I want to tell you all about my journaling practice and habit, what I do and what I don’t do, to give you some ideas and motivation about how and why you should and can journal daily. 

The first thing I want to do to convince you that you should and can journal daily is to tell...

Jul 17, 2020

Do you dream? Some people don’t dream, but I do. And I love interpreting dreams. My own and other people’s. 

I want to teach you how to interpret dreams. I’m going to share with you my three-step process that you can use to interpret your dreams. Read more at

Jul 10, 2020

I want to introduce you to a fun, celebratory and personal way that you can set goals for yourself and see your own progress and transformations as you grow, year after year. I hope you can hear from my own personal experience with it how much it works and how much I love this practice.  Read more at

Jul 3, 2020

Oprah is an undeniable part of our culture.. I assume that we, as a society, have decided to love and revere and respect her, so why do I need to call out the specific lessons I’ve learned from her? 

Because I really have learned so many specific lessons from her. And they’re so good! Too good not to share!

Hear how...